Here's what people are saying about www.HoosFootball.com:
"To paraphrase William Shatner: You've taken something that I paid
attention to as a lark for a few years and turned it into a colossal waste of
time." -- Jesse F., Vail, Colorado
"I just checked out your site. If you need a referral for a good therapist,
please let me know." -- Chris A., Virginia Beach, Virginia
"You have to do something about your 1995-era logo." -- Steve M.,
Richmond, Virginia
"I still have nightmares about that 1990 Georgia Tech game." -- Sgt. Party,
Salisbury, Maryland
"I don't get it." -- my mother, Crozet, Virginia
"Why your wife hasn't left you yet is a mystery." -- Chris H., Frederick,
"Ihre Website ist das Beste, was seit David Hasselhoff!"  -- Henrik R.,
Offenbach am Main, West Germany
"Sometimes I find out about Things On The Web because they link to me
and then people click the link. Such is the case here. I don't know how
long this site has been around, but whether it's two years or two months or
it just showed up this morning (it didn't) I am thoroughly shamed for not
having found it earlier. It is frapping fantastic, and it is called
hoosfootball.com. You want media guides? They got 'em. You want the
stats and the history? There they are. Picayune details about all the
uniforms we've worn since 1990? Check. Pictures? For the love of all that
is good, holy, and beautiful, there are pictures, pictures, pictures in sweet,
full-color glory." -- From Old Virginia,
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"Outstanding University of Virginia site featuring media guides, programs,
tickets, memorabilia and a historical uniforms photo library.  Great links
section." --
"...a new site devoted to UVa football, including coverage of uniforms;
programs, media guides, and other printed matter (I especially like some
of the old ticket stubs); and tons of game photos, among other useful data.
Nicely done." -- Paul Lukas,
ESPN.com Page 2 & the Uni Watch Blog.  
"Best website on the internet with the exception of the Sabre. I go on
Hoosfootball.com every and I mean every day...I love all the game pictures
from the 40s and 50s. And of course the Top 20 stomach punch games
can almost make me cry. Wahoowa!" --
HOOS86 from TheSabre.com